Ask the Experts!
This month we will ask some of our local talent
to let you in on their growing secrets and to answer questions from our members
regarding just about anything orchid related. Nick Plummer will tell use how,
without that longed for greenhouse, he is able to grow such a wide variety of
orchid species. John Martin will also be there to provide his insights into raising
those beautiful slipper orchids and how to grow the different groups. Finally
we will convene a panel of experts to answer questions from the floor. We will
also be trying something new. If you have ANY advance questions on orchids and
have email, send them to Jeff Welch at welch.jeffrey@epa.gov
so the experts can track down the answers. If you have questions that occur to
you afterwards, send those as well and we will try and find the answers by the
next meeting.
Back to the Triangle Orchid Society
July 28, 2000